The 2024 Back to School Bash is Saturday, August 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mon County Event Center. Use this link to register:

Want to Volunteer at the event? We need you! Use this link to sign up!
Being prepared for the new school year is a very important part of having a successful start.
With the poverty level being one in 5 children in Monongalia County, that translates to approximately 2700 kids. Our goal is to provide students with everything they need to be prepared for the upcoming school year so they can focus on learning.
Most students go back to school shopping. They are able to walk into school on the first day feeling confident with fresh haircuts, new shoes, a special new outfit, a new backpack and all of their school supplies in hand. Children that are on the poverty line and below may arrive with the same clothes and backpack from the previous year and often no supplies. The level of confidence in the students is obvious.
We believe that holding this event takes away any stigma and shame of waiting until the first day of school when they have to walk in without their backpack and supplies. They won’t have to feel the embarrassment of being sent to the office to get a back pack. While this is better than not receiving anything, if we can take away some of the stigma, then why not?
Education is the key to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. As a community we must do all we can to give kids an opportunity to do just that.