Pantry Plus More is an organization that relies solely on volunteers. The organization has no paid positions. Everyone who volunteers shares the desire to help end child hunger in Monongalia county. There are many people who support Pantry Plus More in many different ways and we are so grateful to each and every person. Thank you for everything you do….PPM could not succeed without you!
Please join us! There are many opportunities to volunteer with Pantry Plus More and we welcome your help.
1. Please use the buttons at the bottom of this page to connect to our SignUp Genius. Volunteer opportunities are listed. We welcome volunteers of all abilities, including kids! There are certain tasks that require being able to lift 30-50 pounds, but we specifically detail those. To get involved with The Pantry Plus More, please sign up through the links below!
Click below to find February Volunteer times.
Click below to find March Volunteer times.
Click below to find April Volunteer times.