PPM’s Book Club Committee is made up of teachers, reading specialists and Moms who are experts at cataloging books according to age or reading level/grade. We serve children whose parents or caregivers are part of the PPM client base and other children who are in the Monongalia County school system. Our mission is to put books into the hands of as many children as possible. Where possible, we either solicit book preferences from the children or make a variety of books available for the children to select for themselves. Otherwise, we select books we hope will be appropriate based on the child’s age and gender. Books are provided to families who attend the family food distributions as well as at other opportunities, such as the Back-to-School Bash. We also participate with Early Head Start and Head Start to provide books to those children. We accept donations of new or very gently used books and prefer those which do not have donor children’s names or other notes written in them.