In-School Pantries

Roark helping a student at an In-School Pantry
In-School Pantry
In-School Pantries Logo

The hallmark of Pantry Plus More, in-school pantries break down typical food delivery barriers like access and transportation. Because the pantries are located inside school buildings, the food is readily available to students.

Hunger is often a hidden problem because many children will not admit they are hungry. If teachers or other school personnel notice a hunger problem, they will talk to the child about the pantry. Children “shop” for what they need and take it home that day.

The process is similar if the child asks to use the pantry. School employees work with the student to find an appropriate shopping time, and the child is able to discreetly take home food, toiletries, or hygiene items.


  • The students’ basic needs are met, and children are ready to learn
  • The community and the school have an exceptionally positive relationship
  • Student attendance and parent involvement increase